Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The New Zarina

Selamat tahun baru..!
and its already February. Malas la nak setat ayat dgn kata 'dah lama kak ton tak hapdate belog'
Too cliche.

So, sbb memang dah lama tak update...
Kali ni berazam perlu lebih rajin menulis. Penting. Sebab di masa depan, kita akan kembali melihat dan membaca tulisan2 kita sendiri dan berfikir...
"Apa la..yg aku mengarut ni..." It shud be fun i supposed.

asrama doctor pelatih.

Sooo..for the past 8 months...This is where I  stay. (or live)
Kecil jer bilik dia..meant for single.. 
Bilik dia cam studio style la.. ada ensuit with bathroom and kitchenette 
But i have to share la..sbb tak cukup bilik. 
Jujurnya..sepanjang duduk kat Seremban ni..I din cook at all. 
Pastu hari tu tertgk citer (ok, lupa tajuk citer) tp pasal seorg operator telephone yg bosan dgn hidup dia so..dia buat challege to herself that she will cook 365 dishes over the whole year.. and sebab dia minat seorg Brit-born female French culinary chef ni..
Jadinya...macam teringin la pulak 
nak masak!!! 

cool tak? 

Tp MEMANG TAK AKAN la ..nak masak everyday kan
tak yah la nak semangat nau

so..with this small petite kitchenette...
hihi..tanpa stove/hotplate. 
I cook this today!! 


Nasi cooked with carrot, mushroom, chicken and pepper (and 5 spices). Super easy..main campak2..taste super good!  (ok, at least it taste decent)  

from now on..I will rajin2 masak.
and upload what I can masak from anly using microwave and/or with rice cooker.


My old humble ride. Beribu kali niat nak tukar kereta..but I didnt. I just din see the point..
and I am also kedekoooot like that!

Sekarang musim panas dan kering...
dan waktu2 inilah...kenangan summer di Newcastle terlalu mencengkam..!


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