Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How can you sleep at night?

We have this 'super' consultant.. Dato' K
He is now a professor, a lecturer at IMU but will do morning ward round with us in surgical ward. Painful. As it is an old style ward round. No body can write anything, and he whispering and mumbling. No joking around.

So, there's one particular patient..whom involved in motor vehicle accident, sustained intracranial bleed and femur fracture.

Dato' K tak puas hati..dah dua pagi dia buat round..and that patient still tak pergi operate lg kaki dia..
Dia marah la..
He said..

How can u not pushing ortho people to op?
I dont understand,
How could you guys sleep at night?

How can I sleep at night?
Bole Dato'...of course i can. U know why...
because i woke up at 4am every morning and went home at 7.30-8pm.
Of course I can sleep.
I HAVE to sleep.

But u,

Most people thought they are saving lives, but they are actually killing souls.

Now, tell me..
How can u sleep at night?

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