Wednesday, October 29, 2014

it was a hectic day

Sekarang kita kerja kat ortho..senior houseman has to do ed calls. (SHO)
Dia mcm jadi MO, u decide nak admit or not or how la..all the patients yg refer to ortho..u haf to decide. of course with MO's help

today was hectic. very hectic. I loss count how many referals i have today.
Nak jadi cerita, theres one time, I was the night SHo..n i was really sick. I dragged me self to work. Vomit at ed even! I was really sick
Kecl hati sgt dengan SHO am shift msa tu,, she was a friend, tp langsung tanak tolong..n siap nak marah asal tak tukar nmbr kat operator lagi..cuz she still received referals at 4pm.!
She left me like that jer..n by 5.30pm.. she dissappear!

and today...on her night SHO call..she came at 4.25pm cam tu.. I still ambik refferal at 4.30pm..I help her clerk like 3-4 pt..until 6pm. and then I left skjp nak smbyhg. She then texted me.. asking to help her la kan...ada byk refferal. It was freaking 6.30pm
I stayed n help until 7.20 cam tu

Dalam hati.. tempted sgt nak update status kat fb...
' Sebenarnya, dalam hidup ni senang jer...kalau kita rajin tolong orang, orang akan tolong kita. Kalau kita berkira.. kau ghase?? '
Tempted la..
tempted jer la tapi...Kang kecik hati lak org tu kan...

Sekian entry ala-ala sakit hati.
Dgn ucapan... g usrah bertahun-tahun pun...erm.. tak perla. Kecewa la dgn sikap pentingkan diri awak tu, tu jer nak ckp.

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