ok, I failed at my best utk rancang hols this rotation..it needed gap..bukan main tibai jer.
Last week went to langkawi..then this week pergi Lexis kat PD (and next week going to Sg Chilling)
it was good..tp to get back to work......
*mengeluh nampak?*
Tapi hujan all the way..nak balk baru cerah sikit.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Been wanting to go to Langkawi for a short getaway.
Plan asal nak g with the girls..tp rasa mcm nak g dgn mak abah la this time
It was fun! food was great!
and I got to do all the things I really wanted to to..the island hoping and cable car! thats all what I want.
Ni antara gambar fav sebenarnya.. dengan caption;
"Alamak! the seat is still empty!"
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
it was a hectic day
Sekarang kita kerja kat ortho..senior houseman has to do ed calls. (SHO)
Dia mcm jadi MO, u decide nak admit or not or how la..all the patients yg refer to ortho..u haf to decide. of course with MO's help
today was hectic. very hectic. I loss count how many referals i have today.
Nak jadi cerita, theres one time, I was the night SHo..n i was really sick. I dragged me self to work. Vomit at ed even! I was really sick
Kecl hati sgt dengan SHO am shift msa tu,, she was a friend, tp langsung tanak tolong..n siap nak marah asal tak tukar nmbr kat operator lagi..cuz she still received referals at 4pm.!
She left me like that jer..n by 5.30pm.. she dissappear!
and today...on her night SHO call..she came at 4.25pm cam tu.. I still ambik refferal at 4.30pm..I help her clerk like 3-4 pt..until 6pm. and then I left skjp nak smbyhg. She then texted me.. asking to help her la kan...ada byk refferal. It was freaking 6.30pm
I stayed n help until 7.20 cam tu
Dalam hati.. tempted sgt nak update status kat fb...
' Sebenarnya, dalam hidup ni senang jer...kalau kita rajin tolong orang, orang akan tolong kita. Kalau kita berkira.. kau ghase?? '
Tempted la..
tempted jer la tapi...Kang kecik hati lak org tu kan...
Sekian entry ala-ala sakit hati.
Dgn ucapan... g usrah bertahun-tahun pun...erm.. tak perla. Kecewa la dgn sikap pentingkan diri awak tu, tu jer nak ckp.
Dia mcm jadi MO, u decide nak admit or not or how la..all the patients yg refer to ortho..u haf to decide. of course with MO's help
today was hectic. very hectic. I loss count how many referals i have today.
Nak jadi cerita, theres one time, I was the night SHo..n i was really sick. I dragged me self to work. Vomit at ed even! I was really sick
Kecl hati sgt dengan SHO am shift msa tu,, she was a friend, tp langsung tanak tolong..n siap nak marah asal tak tukar nmbr kat operator lagi..cuz she still received referals at 4pm.!
She left me like that jer..n by 5.30pm.. she dissappear!
and today...on her night SHO call..she came at 4.25pm cam tu.. I still ambik refferal at 4.30pm..I help her clerk like 3-4 pt..until 6pm. and then I left skjp nak smbyhg. She then texted me.. asking to help her la kan...ada byk refferal. It was freaking 6.30pm
I stayed n help until 7.20 cam tu
Dalam hati.. tempted sgt nak update status kat fb...
' Sebenarnya, dalam hidup ni senang jer...kalau kita rajin tolong orang, orang akan tolong kita. Kalau kita berkira.. kau ghase?? '
Tempted la..
tempted jer la tapi...Kang kecik hati lak org tu kan...
Sekian entry ala-ala sakit hati.
Dgn ucapan... g usrah bertahun-tahun pun...erm.. tak perla. Kecewa la dgn sikap pentingkan diri awak tu, tu jer nak ckp.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Budi bahasa
Budi bahasa tak ter jual beli orang kata.
Memang betul la. Kita kalau sahsiah tinggi..keadaan macam mana pun, tak hilang nilai jati diri, budi pekerti.
Nak dijadikan cerita, petang tadi jalan jammed. Pukul 7.30pm, Memang standardla jammed sikit. Kebetulan, ada accident. Sambil kita terfikir-fikir nak pergi tolong ke tidak....
Terlanggar kereta depan.
Allahu Akbar!
My immediate reaction:
Keluar kereta
" Alamak. Awak ok tak? saya langgar kereta awak la ( obviously la kan)
Kereta dia calar sikit, kemik sikit.
and all he said:
" its ok awak, sikit jer''
I even paksa dia check his back sensor and I offer to pay....
and again he saids- its ok! sikit jer.
My heart cries a little.
Baiknya budi bahasa!
ok dah bye.
Memang betul la. Kita kalau sahsiah tinggi..keadaan macam mana pun, tak hilang nilai jati diri, budi pekerti.
Nak dijadikan cerita, petang tadi jalan jammed. Pukul 7.30pm, Memang standardla jammed sikit. Kebetulan, ada accident. Sambil kita terfikir-fikir nak pergi tolong ke tidak....
Terlanggar kereta depan.
Allahu Akbar!
My immediate reaction:
Keluar kereta
" Alamak. Awak ok tak? saya langgar kereta awak la ( obviously la kan)
Kereta dia calar sikit, kemik sikit.
and all he said:
" its ok awak, sikit jer''
I even paksa dia check his back sensor and I offer to pay....
and again he saids- its ok! sikit jer.
My heart cries a little.
Baiknya budi bahasa!
ok dah bye.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
new car!
ok, kak ina bought a brand new car!!
she is excited uols.
ok, dah bye. selamat membayar rm 1200/month
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Masak lemak cili api
Finished with surgical already. Life finally 'existing' and Im breathing fine.
Alhamdulillah. I was never that ecstatic to receive 'surat pelepasan jabatan' until...I receive my pelepasan from surgical.
Ok. done with surgical..
So...ORTHO next!
So far, ortho done me good. there's plenty to learn but theres room for learning and im loving ortho for that!
Sebab dah off tag..and tak kerja sampai pkl 10mlm. I decided to cook some.
Using rice cooker kat hostel..
Finished with surgical already. Life finally 'existing' and Im breathing fine.
Alhamdulillah. I was never that ecstatic to receive 'surat pelepasan jabatan' until...I receive my pelepasan from surgical.
Ok. done with surgical..
So...ORTHO next!
So far, ortho done me good. there's plenty to learn but theres room for learning and im loving ortho for that!
Sebab dah off tag..and tak kerja sampai pkl 10mlm. I decided to cook some.
Using rice cooker kat hostel..
Sesungguhnya.. lauk ini sgt biasa-biasa
Tapi yang penting bangga.
K dah. sekian
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
How can you sleep at night?
We have this 'super' consultant.. Dato' K
He is now a professor, a lecturer at IMU but will do morning ward round with us in surgical ward. Painful. As it is an old style ward round. No body can write anything, and he whispering and mumbling. No joking around.
So, there's one particular patient..whom involved in motor vehicle accident, sustained intracranial bleed and femur fracture.
Dato' K tak puas hati..dah dua pagi dia buat round..and that patient still tak pergi operate lg kaki dia..
Dia marah la..
He said..
How can u not pushing ortho people to op?
I dont understand,
How could you guys sleep at night?
How can I sleep at night?
Bole Dato'...of course i can. U know why...
because i woke up at 4am every morning and went home at 7.30-8pm.
Of course I can sleep.
I HAVE to sleep.
But u,
Most people thought they are saving lives, but they are actually killing souls.
Now, tell me..
How can u sleep at night?
He is now a professor, a lecturer at IMU but will do morning ward round with us in surgical ward. Painful. As it is an old style ward round. No body can write anything, and he whispering and mumbling. No joking around.
So, there's one particular patient..whom involved in motor vehicle accident, sustained intracranial bleed and femur fracture.
Dato' K tak puas hati..dah dua pagi dia buat round..and that patient still tak pergi operate lg kaki dia..
Dia marah la..
He said..
How can u not pushing ortho people to op?
I dont understand,
How could you guys sleep at night?
How can I sleep at night?
Bole Dato'...of course i can. U know why...
because i woke up at 4am every morning and went home at 7.30-8pm.
Of course I can sleep.
I HAVE to sleep.
But u,
Most people thought they are saving lives, but they are actually killing souls.
Now, tell me..
How can u sleep at night?
Saturday, June 28, 2014
kata-kata itu doa
setiap ucapan kita tu suatu doa. Kena percaya tuh
Nway..on the last entry.. I mentioned pasal perlunya memenuhkan masa cuti dgn sesuatu, jgn asik tidur. Berazam sgt masa tuh.
So, Allah makbulkan.. itulah. doakan..
Nak jadi cerita..Last saturday kebetulan cuti.. so, this is what happen :
- bgn pagi, beli breakfast fr a friend.
- singgah ward. siapakn kerja
-singgah lawat kak syaz who was warded
-pergi senawang jmp kak lyyn michael sampai lunch hour
-blk melaka
-singgah maidin beli groceries
-pergi MMU ada insta fair
-pergi rumah auntie to pick up cousins
-singgah jusco for a quick bite n catch up w meera
-ptg emak ajak pergi rumah cousin
-mlm pergi rumah mak uda
-midnight ; im super flat!
Ucapan kan doa.
Allah nak ajar..Padan muka!
Anyhow..this week was good. Dapat pergi cameron!
Penuh drama. haha. aish..lessons to be learnt!
betul tau
nak kenal sahabat2.. kita mesti makan bersama, tidur bersama, musafir bersama!
Monday, June 16, 2014
Lama dulu, saya telah putuskan. Tiada istilah penat.
Tiada istilah lelah
Saya tidak menyukai pekerjaan saya (kadang-kadang)
Itu bukan baru. Lapuk sudah.
Acap kali saya ucapkan..Bolehkan kiranya adik berhenti kerja emak?
dan setiap kali itu juga emak akan membalas..'Abis tu nak kerja apa? Cuber bgth..'
Pekerjaan ini merupakan pengkalan terakhir.
Last resort.
Tiada pandang belakang, tiada pilihan lain
Pilihan banyak sebenarnya.
Tapi atas kita. Berani atau tidak untuk mencuba
Tiada penat. Tiada lelah.
Bila cuti, saya jarang habiskan dengan tidur.
Itu sia-sia.
Hari-hari saya bekerja, malamnya telah saya isi dgn tidur secukupnya.
Jadi bila cuti..
Kita mesti.
Tiada istilah lelah
Saya tidak menyukai pekerjaan saya (kadang-kadang)
Itu bukan baru. Lapuk sudah.
Acap kali saya ucapkan..Bolehkan kiranya adik berhenti kerja emak?
dan setiap kali itu juga emak akan membalas..'Abis tu nak kerja apa? Cuber bgth..'
Pekerjaan ini merupakan pengkalan terakhir.
Last resort.
Tiada pandang belakang, tiada pilihan lain
Pilihan banyak sebenarnya.
Tapi atas kita. Berani atau tidak untuk mencuba
Tiada penat. Tiada lelah.
Bila cuti, saya jarang habiskan dengan tidur.
Itu sia-sia.
Hari-hari saya bekerja, malamnya telah saya isi dgn tidur secukupnya.
Jadi bila cuti..
Kita mesti.
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My fav thing to do now...sambil layan kekoreakekita. Well, ada lagi lima slices cakes dlm fridge. Perisa blueberry cheesecake, strawberry roll, pandan and orange slices.. |
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I know something is wrong with me when my impulsive-buying-mood reactivate. Bought a pair of shoe that Idont need..and THIS! :) |
Sunday, May 18, 2014
28 years old and proud!
Pagi ni lepas blik kerja (Night shift) terus mandi, tidur.
Bangun.. late lunch with Had dekat chicken rice shop then beli la a piece of cheesecake at this newly opened cafe. Cantikla cafe dia.
I thought I would like to safe the cake later la..
Tapi lepas kemas2 bilik yang sekangkang kera ni..dengan hujan-hujan gini...
Macam best la kan kalau ada kek and coffee.
Nikmat kehidupan gitu!
Jadi sudah selamatlah blueberry cheesecake itu kita santapkan!
ok. the rest adalah gambar sempena birhtday hr tu.
I actually have 4 different celebrations fr my birthday.
Memula family dinner on the 12th (early celebration) then, luch date dgn sha on the 13th. Dinner date dgn had...then dinner date with the girls on 14th.
Im so blessed in soooo many ways.
28 and proud!
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Family dinner la sgt,..tp gambar org lain kita tak snap pun. :) |
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Guilty as charged!
Allah menyelamatkan saya dari melakukan kesilapan.
Allah menyelamatkan dia dari amarah saya.
ok, so...i hate this consultant.
Smlm another fitting episode dari dia. Habis satu scope room dia amuk fr my mistake - ter double booked pt.
Pastu bebelan dia menjela-jela sampai babit emak abah la bagai... byk la.
Malas nak layan
Im so angry. Im frustrated. I had enough of this!
In my head, I began to plot....
I nak orang tailed her car. Know where she live.
Bashed her car!
Baling bangkai what not kat rumah dia..buat dia rasa ada org voodoo kan dia!
Make she scared. Make her sleep become sleepless!
I even nak tanya those Indian guards..do they know anyone who will get their hands dirty for me!
horrible kan...
Things in my head mmg crazy.
I cannot believe I had this in my mind.
corrupted mind!
Then, today...bangun dgn rasa takut. Memang confirm she will find me today
then...dekat scope room.....
she said this to me
Nicely and firmly
" awak tahu tak...awak ni bagus buat kerja. Rajin. I cannot deny that...tp there are past of u..yg u buat kerja cincai2...."
Then, ada org masuk the room.
Saved me from another long lecture
I RASA BERSALAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Things in my head are crazy...
I started to believed, bi'ah ini akan merosakkan nilai moral kita.
Ya Allah. Selamatkan saya!
Lindungi jiwa saya !
Allah menyelamatkan saya dari melakukan kesilapan.
Allah menyelamatkan dia dari amarah saya.
ok, so...i hate this consultant.
Smlm another fitting episode dari dia. Habis satu scope room dia amuk fr my mistake - ter double booked pt.
Pastu bebelan dia menjela-jela sampai babit emak abah la bagai... byk la.
Malas nak layan
Im so angry. Im frustrated. I had enough of this!
In my head, I began to plot....
I nak orang tailed her car. Know where she live.
Bashed her car!
Baling bangkai what not kat rumah dia..buat dia rasa ada org voodoo kan dia!
Make she scared. Make her sleep become sleepless!
I even nak tanya those Indian guards..do they know anyone who will get their hands dirty for me!
horrible kan...
Things in my head mmg crazy.
I cannot believe I had this in my mind.
corrupted mind!
Then, today...bangun dgn rasa takut. Memang confirm she will find me today
then...dekat scope room.....
she said this to me
Nicely and firmly
" awak tahu tak...awak ni bagus buat kerja. Rajin. I cannot deny that...tp there are past of u..yg u buat kerja cincai2...."
Then, ada org masuk the room.
Saved me from another long lecture
I RASA BERSALAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Things in my head are crazy...
I started to believed, bi'ah ini akan merosakkan nilai moral kita.
Ya Allah. Selamatkan saya!
Lindungi jiwa saya !
Monday, May 12, 2014
Tanah Kubur
Sekarang ni...tgh buat surgical rotaion; the most painful, the most heartbreaking la kata orang.
So far, proven true.
Workload tak sehebat medical. Tapi emotional torture.. tahap tertinggi.
So, nak dijadikan cerita.. kita ni tercampaklah didalam wad yg memang diketahui 'malignant'nya.
Consultant bermulut puaka dan sarcasm tahap org aussie pun nangis sujud takjub!
So, she loves to insult and cari salah setiap org. threatened kita semua dengan incident reporting and pink form .. I remember one time, she was insulting me ( not teaching eh) and one of the MO said
"I tak tahula mcm mana korang put up with this. Nevermind la..u post call. Go home and cry"
and my reply was
"No, im not going to cry for this piece of shit that give me shit!"
then, bila dah blk..rasa bersalah pulak. Terhadap diri sendiri. I became one of those bitter person sbb berada di kalangan mereka (dia) yg pelik, mulut jahat, kurang insight.
This particular consultant is a spinster la. tua dah. Bitter and love to bite ppl. She achieve quite a lot despite being in her early fourties. Tapi itulah, org kata kita tak mampu beri apa yg kita tiada. Orang begini kurang kasih sayang mungkin, dan mungkin sebab itu perangai begitu.
my conclusion utk menggambarkan dia adalah.. seorang typical surgeon, self absorbed narcissistic arrogant bastard that think so highly of oneself that their personality is border line to grandiosity delusional schizophrenic lunatics.
saya akan berdoa setiap hari lepas ni..semoga jgn la jadi org begini.
*on tanah kubur, I was telling about this consultant to my sister whom favourite show is tanah kubur. She kept quite after i told her the story then said this ... ' so...kalau dia mati mcm mana eh...boleh masuk citer tanah kubur ni.."
So far, proven true.
Workload tak sehebat medical. Tapi emotional torture.. tahap tertinggi.
So, nak dijadikan cerita.. kita ni tercampaklah didalam wad yg memang diketahui 'malignant'nya.
Consultant bermulut puaka dan sarcasm tahap org aussie pun nangis sujud takjub!
So, she loves to insult and cari salah setiap org. threatened kita semua dengan incident reporting and pink form .. I remember one time, she was insulting me ( not teaching eh) and one of the MO said
"I tak tahula mcm mana korang put up with this. Nevermind la..u post call. Go home and cry"
and my reply was
"No, im not going to cry for this piece of shit that give me shit!"
then, bila dah blk..rasa bersalah pulak. Terhadap diri sendiri. I became one of those bitter person sbb berada di kalangan mereka (dia) yg pelik, mulut jahat, kurang insight.
This particular consultant is a spinster la. tua dah. Bitter and love to bite ppl. She achieve quite a lot despite being in her early fourties. Tapi itulah, org kata kita tak mampu beri apa yg kita tiada. Orang begini kurang kasih sayang mungkin, dan mungkin sebab itu perangai begitu.
my conclusion utk menggambarkan dia adalah.. seorang typical surgeon, self absorbed narcissistic arrogant bastard that think so highly of oneself that their personality is border line to grandiosity delusional schizophrenic lunatics.
saya akan berdoa setiap hari lepas ni..semoga jgn la jadi org begini.
*on tanah kubur, I was telling about this consultant to my sister whom favourite show is tanah kubur. She kept quite after i told her the story then said this ... ' so...kalau dia mati mcm mana eh...boleh masuk citer tanah kubur ni.."
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My cuzzy Ira, who lost her father to CKD and shes only 15yo. Poor thing, beautiiful soul! |
Friday, April 11, 2014
The other day masa kat ward,
This ward is actually one of my fav sbb nurse2 dia baik2 and very the ramah tamah.
but some of them are very junior...kerja mcm tahu mcm tidak
n sometime cam incompetence.
but anyway...everyone is learning kan..
So..borak punya borak... adalah satu nurse dgn kawan dia ni ajak keluar
I said yes memula...
then she said something yg mcm
"eh...nnt doctor bawaklah kawan2 doctor..
boleh kenal2. bg kat saya satu eh...hikhikhik"
sampuk the other girl..
"eh..tp kalau doctor kenalkan satu kat dia..doctor kenalah kenalkan satu kat saya jugak..nk doctor jugak tau!" -dengan nada manja.
Im speechless
"eh korang..sorryla..kita lupa. kita ada janji dgn org lain mlm ni.. sorry eh. Next time la. iAllah "
the end,
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my third stets so far...adoila. selama ni hilang cam tak kesah..abah belikan. but this one cost me rm280! and im paying for it! ouccchhhhh...janji tak hilangkan lg! kita janji!!!! |
Monday, March 17, 2014
Nasi goreng
People called it laziness.
I call it innovation
I wanted to have nasi goreng for dinner today, and of course having only rice cooker, how la..to cooked the rice. let it cool, then only cooked the rice jadi nasi goreng?
So, lazy people has to find a way to make her nasi goreng...
I cooked some rice. While it is boiling, throw in some crushed garlic, onions, salt, thai cili (sumpah pedas!) and pepper.
Then, some chicken and butter.
When it is 3/4 cooked, I throw in some fishballs and vegies.
Then, finally put in an egg.
After the egg cooked, mix thoroughly.
Nasi goreng express!
and its relatively healthy. Minimal fat. Sikit jer pon butter nyer. and it taste serupa jer macam the fried nasi goreng.
Inspired to try?
Friday, March 14, 2014
Projek Memasak Masih Berlangsung..
I'm being persistent about cooking n updating blogs eventhough ingatkan it will be hangat-hangat tahi ayam ; like always la kan.
so.yes, preparing for end of rotation exam and what not
The other day, I baked cheesecake and share it with everyone in the ward.
It taste quite descent la. ok la..nk macam mana lagi kan. It just a cheesecake anyway
I'm being persistent about cooking n updating blogs eventhough ingatkan it will be hangat-hangat tahi ayam ; like always la kan.
so.yes, preparing for end of rotation exam and what not
The other day, I baked cheesecake and share it with everyone in the ward.
It taste quite descent la. ok la..nk macam mana lagi kan. It just a cheesecake anyway
So..this is us in the ward. We bond quite well.. so enjoy la the working ambience kan..tak la tense all the way. We went out for dinner sometimes.. so.it really helps!
tonight..despite penat and byk kerja kat hospital..plus blk lewat sikit..
I managed to cook this.!
Again, with rice cooker only.
resepi #3
very happy me.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Ok, this is the sequel of my cooking with rice cooker.
So yeah.. I was trying really hard the other day to remember tajuk movie yg pasal phone operator yg rasa bosan dgn hidup dia dan mula challenge herself to cook everyday... Then, some one point it out.. tajuk movie tuh Julie and Julia..
Yay! ( rasa lega giler dpt ingat..walaupon sekadar benda-benda trivia gini)
(Thanks, Azpa! for pointing it out)
Jadinya, lately...I really fell like cooking my own meals when it is possible.
Im NO julie nor Julia.. and its also impossible to cook anything fancy in this room I'm living in.!
I did cook!
SO yes, resepi #dua : bubur ayam with black pepper.
Ya Allah..Im so proud for this little achievement!
So yeah.. I was trying really hard the other day to remember tajuk movie yg pasal phone operator yg rasa bosan dgn hidup dia dan mula challenge herself to cook everyday... Then, some one point it out.. tajuk movie tuh Julie and Julia..
Yay! ( rasa lega giler dpt ingat..walaupon sekadar benda-benda trivia gini)
(Thanks, Azpa! for pointing it out)
Jadinya, lately...I really fell like cooking my own meals when it is possible.
Im NO julie nor Julia.. and its also impossible to cook anything fancy in this room I'm living in.!
I did cook!
So now you know ok, bubur ayam can be done in rice cooker!!!
I love my comfy food...makan dgn toasted bread pls...! with lots of pepper. (with lots I mean just to taste. Nnt pedas)
Ya Allah..Im so proud for this little achievement!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
The frustrated house-officer.
Im writing this from ward.
Truth is..bila houseman tak cukup you have to put up with ridiculous schedule.
I've been working back to back night shifts..for the past 2 weeks.
2 night shifts in row, followed by 1 day shift, followed by 3 night shifts in a row.
My biological clock shud went ding-dong by now.
Fortunately.. I do get to sleep (by that I meant 1.5hr each night)
while working in OnG ward, i began to see..
These rude senior (la kononnya) SN bullying junior SN and worse more..bullying JM while bitching u the moment u turn around! Biadab giler!
My only wish is..their children turns out similar..copycat of them. As bitchy as them, as rude as them.
Just like them. Sama!
Then, they will know... how does it feels like having them around; existing in our lives!
Just because ur life is a piece of shit..tak payahla nk buat org lain misserable jugak..
And..just because u are a total bitch..It doesnt mean that u have to act like one!
That's all for now.
But, do I forgive them for bitching me?
Yes I do.
These people thought they work sooo hard and they are really good in their clincal work ( read: clerking and susun pt's notes)
so..let them be la.
Truth is..bila houseman tak cukup you have to put up with ridiculous schedule.
I've been working back to back night shifts..for the past 2 weeks.
2 night shifts in row, followed by 1 day shift, followed by 3 night shifts in a row.
My biological clock shud went ding-dong by now.
Fortunately.. I do get to sleep (by that I meant 1.5hr each night)
while working in OnG ward, i began to see..
These rude senior (la kononnya) SN bullying junior SN and worse more..bullying JM while bitching u the moment u turn around! Biadab giler!
My only wish is..their children turns out similar..copycat of them. As bitchy as them, as rude as them.
Just like them. Sama!
Then, they will know... how does it feels like having them around; existing in our lives!
Just because ur life is a piece of shit..tak payahla nk buat org lain misserable jugak..
And..just because u are a total bitch..It doesnt mean that u have to act like one!
That's all for now.
But, do I forgive them for bitching me?
Yes I do.
These people thought they work sooo hard and they are really good in their clincal work ( read: clerking and susun pt's notes)
so..let them be la.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
The New Zarina
Selamat tahun baru..!
and its already February. Malas la nak setat ayat dgn kata 'dah lama kak ton tak hapdate belog'
Too cliche.
So, sbb memang dah lama tak update...
Kali ni berazam perlu lebih rajin menulis. Penting. Sebab di masa depan, kita akan kembali melihat dan membaca tulisan2 kita sendiri dan berfikir...
"Apa la..yg aku mengarut ni..." It shud be fun i supposed.
Sooo..for the past 8 months...This is where I stay. (or live)
from now on..I will rajin2 masak.
and upload what I can masak from anly using microwave and/or with rice cooker.
and its already February. Malas la nak setat ayat dgn kata 'dah lama kak ton tak hapdate belog'
Too cliche.
So, sbb memang dah lama tak update...
Kali ni berazam perlu lebih rajin menulis. Penting. Sebab di masa depan, kita akan kembali melihat dan membaca tulisan2 kita sendiri dan berfikir...
"Apa la..yg aku mengarut ni..." It shud be fun i supposed.
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asrama doctor pelatih. |
Kecil jer bilik dia..meant for single..
Bilik dia cam studio style la.. ada ensuit with bathroom and kitchenette
But i have to share la..sbb tak cukup bilik.
Jujurnya..sepanjang duduk kat Seremban ni..I din cook at all.
Pastu hari tu tertgk citer (ok, lupa tajuk citer) tp pasal seorg operator telephone yg bosan dgn hidup dia so..dia buat challege to herself that she will cook 365 dishes over the whole year.. and sebab dia minat seorg Brit-born female French culinary chef ni..
Jadinya...macam teringin la pulak
nak masak!!!
cool tak?
Tp MEMANG TAK AKAN la ..nak masak everyday kan
tak yah la nak semangat nau
so..with this small petite kitchenette...
hihi..tanpa stove/hotplate.
I cook this today!!
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Nasi cooked with carrot, mushroom, chicken and pepper (and 5 spices). Super easy..main campak2..taste super good! (ok, at least it taste decent) |
from now on..I will rajin2 masak.
and upload what I can masak from anly using microwave and/or with rice cooker.
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My old humble ride. Beribu kali niat nak tukar kereta..but I didnt. I just din see the point.. and I am also kedekoooot like that! |
Sekarang musim panas dan kering...
dan waktu2 inilah...kenangan summer di Newcastle terlalu mencengkam..!
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