Monday, February 13, 2012

Random yg tak random sgt....

Good Monday everybody!!
I never hated Mondays..but it just Monday selalulah nak jadi kelam kabut n a typical day for things to went horribly wrong..! Tapi sebenarnya, semua tu sbb lack of organization.... :P

I don't know apa nak share...just random stuffs...

  • Do u noticed that all..I said ALL (ok, maybe 98%) dermatology registrars have good skin??? Its like unspoken pre-requisite criteria I guess..Serious! complexion diorg cantik sgt2~~!!!
  • I always complaint how smelly things are; blood and stuffs...especially in theatre. How when the heat probe burnt the skin, it smells like rotten meat on BBQ/grill..UNTIL, I went to autopsy..
  • One thing I know, I won't talk about dirty jobs to colo-rectal surgeon. Or paediatric surgeon when they have to do manual evacuation on child with Hirchsprung disease.
  • Whenever people ask u, what kind of specialities that u want to do in the future..... I always answer as per what ever the one that asked me in. ie: If surgeon ask me, I'd say " yeah! I think surgery is interesting and would like to do it some day!" If gynae people ask me, then I'll say the same.." Yes! I am interested in gynae, " (even if it scared the hell out of me to do bi-manual pelvic examination and pap smear)
  • U know what, girls are not mata duitan, kita cuma merancang masa depan :)
  • Boys who said 'tak elok letak hantaran tinggi2...' (and all those similar stuff).. trust me, they said that because they are boys! Real man are born to provide. What kind of man are u kalau ckp gitu. Kalau hidup boleh cukup dgn cinta semata-mata, org mmg tak perlu kerja. sekian.
  • *ok, may be not sekian yet, kena ada huraian. Provide yg berpadanan, dan perempuan pon jgn demand yg pelik2 la*
  • ooowhh!!..ada ular belakang rumah. How scary...carpet snake. but it is harmless tak risau sgtla...n, it looovesssss bush turkey. So, yes. I hope the snake act as a biological agent for us.
  • yes, Kellerman is back (my supervisor) so, yes...I will read books!! real med books I mean. :)
  • Did u know... 'Katakanlah "rohulkudus" (Jibrail) menurunkan al-Quran itu dari Tuhanmu dengan kebenaran, untuk meneguhkan (hati) orang yang telah beriman, dan menjadi petunjuk serta khabar gembira bagi orang yg berserah diri (kepada Allah)' An-Nahl(9): 102
  • Sebab tu byk orientalist (??) or to be exact, theologist yg belajar mengenai agama, membaca Quran dgn lebih fasih dari kita tetapi hatinya tidak beriman. Untuk menjadikan Quran itu petunjuk dan berita gembira, kita mesti beriman dahulu. Jangan sampai nanti, sama sahaja kita dgn theologist. :( Nasihat ini utk diri sendiri. Not fr u.....
  • I may not be the best person (obviously) to talk about religion and stuff...but I'm just sharing thoughts. That's all... :)

Now...stop reading blogs and go read books/ kerja to make money!!!!!
As I said, girls are not mata duitan, it just, kita suka merancang masa depan. :P

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