Sociolinguistic adalah area yg always enthral me and many other people la. but recently human behaviour and all these behavioural sciences makin popular and of course, utk tidak ketinggalan dalam bidang science yg subjective ini (when science supposedly give u objective findings) I have been reading a thing or two.
Sebab hari ini ponteng sekolah *ok, pls...emak jgn baca blog kita pls...* I should do something yg bermanfaat. Therefore, mari share key points dari buku ni. - tajuk di atas. (it is also good fr my future references) It has 11 chapters, but I will point out points yg I think relevant according to me. :) ~vain~
1. same species, different world.
- Think of men as a hunter (mcm zaman purba). They chased lunch, buat unggun api, duduk atas batu pandang api, memburu.
- Think of women as a nest defender. Bila lelaki berburu, women ddk kat gua jaga api, anak, kasi makan, provide love and warmth.
- so, we are different.
2. making perfect sense
- Even our brain developed differently. Girls are very good in linguistic - thus, we talk alot!
- Men don't talk that much. Their linguistic capacity mmg rendah. If they already spoke 2000-3000 words/day, they would like to sit back and relax and not talking -->> duduk atas batu, tgk unggun api in silence!
- Women talk a lot! Even if we already spoken 7-8000 words/day, we still haf the capacity to talk 10,000 more!
- Just accept this fact guys...!
ok..by this time I am soooo not going to do it by chapters.. it will took ages. I will just buat points jer ok?
- When women talk, they just talking. They talk their thoughts. It doesnt mean that they are asking for solutions. But because men's brain are built in a way that they must find solutions - thus, they give advice when girls nagged.
- WRONG! dont give solutions. Women just wanted to be heard. To be listened to. so, hold ur tongue dude! just listen.
- And because level of oxytoxin is higher in women; oxytoxin makes us suka to be touched - That's why women touched, hug each other a lot! So, when women spill their problem to men, what u should do is listen, hold and hug her. If u do that u are the most sensitive, amazing ,osem hot buff and handsome guy!!! *win!!**kelip-kelip mata* (don't even try to give advice or solution. She knows what she wants..she just need confirmation. Women are indecisive anyway)
- u see, how the last 2 sentences sound like they are contradictory? confusing kan? yes, women are confusing. Don't try to understand them, u can't. Just listen to them.
- However, berbeza dgn perempuan, men do not have much verbal/facial expression. That's why women see it as they are not listening. but they are (most of the time)
- women are good at multitasking . We can talk to our friends, listen to the other and watch drama all at the same time, n comprehend all these 3 things with nil effort. Men cannot do two things at a time. Its either talk or listen or watch.
- so, when women talk to men when they are reading newspaper -->> they don't listen. They can't. Their brain is not built that way. :)
why women can't read map
- Its all about how our brain is built. women are lack in spatial skill. Therefore,when we read map, we struggle a bit (hahaha..a bit ker?) but fear not my lady, as this can be improved with practice. :)
- Guys are superior in spatial ability -->> making map reading, targets and parallel parking is easy for them. They saw things in 3ds...when women can only see it in 2ds...
- So, if u on road trip, don't let the girls read the map. Men shoud read the map first, know where u going. then u drive.
- As men are better at spatial stuff, they drive better. Women get panicked because they cannot calculate length accurately in their head-- takkan nak keluar dr kereta nk ukur pulak jarak dgn kereta depan while moving kan? so, when women thought that men are driving recklessly, most of the time it is not. They see it better!
I like chapter 6: Thoughts, attitudes, emotions and other disaster areas!
- This one is a bit eye opener. Fahamkan ini dan berhenti berharap terlalu banyak. Guys are hunter. Their instinct is to provide meals (or keperluan in modern context). They don't talk about their feeling ( they go into their cave to think about it), They don't usually shed a tear, they don't ask for directions (that is sign of weakness to them) very little words usually. They are do-er and silent worri-er.
- If they kept quite, it doesn't mean they hate u. (as women give silence-treatment when they hate/mad at someone). They need space to think, in silent. So, don't bother la nak tahu how's ur day? how is it going? Do u want to talk about it?
- **hikhikhik...terasa???**
- They may not say they love u everyday - but they mowed the lawn, fixed the pipes and clean the garage- to show that they care. They are do-er, remember. They don't say things out loud.
- When guys talk about their problems, it is a sign that he cannot solve that particular problem on his own. So now they are seeking for help. Therefore, girls, pls, give advice and try to help; don't just listen and acknowledge his feeling like u did to ur girlfriends.
- Also, men speech is much structured than that of women. When they talk, they haf to tell isi kandungan and reach to conclusion. So, do not interrupt when they r talking. As they may found it pointless to talk if they cannot reach to conclusion...(girls interrupt a lot in conversation because that is the sign of listening to girls)
Boys like things, girls like people. Rasa accomplished in life for women is when she have a wonderful relationship; husband, children and family la bottom line. Itu memberi rasa bahagia dan rasa cukup utk perempuan. Tetapi lelaki rasa accomplished kalau they have things- boys and their toys. contoh: beli rumah, ada kereta best2 or that sort of stuff la.
If a woman is unhappy with her relationships, she cannot concentrate on her work.
If a man is unhappy at work, he can't focus on relationships!
p/s ada 4 more chapters to go. I may not write all the key points. Just to inspire u people to read the book on ur own! :) salam alaikum, and haf a lovely day (and life)
pour your heart into it by howard schultz pun best
ReplyDeleteMighul!!!! u give me my first comment!!!! :) yay! people actually read this! hehehe. ok, blk nnt ina belanja mkn nasi lemak kedai acik y. dgn dak along n gf dia.
ReplyDeleteoh shooot! i should be the first person to comment. i do read, its just that, i dont comment! nak nasi lemaaaaakkkkk jugaaak!
ReplyDeleteanyway, all those points macam dalam buku, women are from venus and men are from mars kan! tapi kan, my guy friend, once told me, u, women, are good at reading maps! how meyh? :p
ps: u never comment on my blog!!!
ha'ah point dia lebih kurang jer. Tapi kita rasa, men r from mars lebih teratur isi dia. Seratus bungkus nasi lomak pon boleh...as long as kamu dtg melaka lah.... :)
ReplyDeleteand YESSS...I will leave a few bright comment later ok, kakak?