Suka topik ni sebenarnya. Sbb I think I need help jugak :P
Of coz..there are time bila morale rendah, motivasi tiada dan fokus asik lari. Apa kita buat bila kita rasa tak best, tak ada semangat, rasa nak meroyan eh...??
Update status fb byk2 kali yg emo-emo?
*go get twitter or tumblr account la pls...*
Call semua kawan-kawan??
*pompuan boleh la kot... pls read my previous entry..hehehe*
Lepak dgn kawan2..merambu-ramba?
* bukan semua kawan2 free ALL the time...*
Sembhyg byk2, doa byk2 supaya hati tenang dan fokus?
* yesss...I loike that attitude!!*
I don't know sebenarnya. Kita react differently n the way we help ourself utk naikkan motivasi dlm diri sendiri jugak berbeza-beza. If one way tak berhasil, mari cari jalan lain utk boost up self esteem dan mood diri sendiri!
As I found most of the time, what trigger me to feel low adalah faktor persekitaran - rasa tak pandai dlm lecture, kena jelingan dan renungan 'manja' bila tak dpt jawab soalan, tersipu malu sendiri bila ckp benda yg not so bright, *God, help us* Semua ni mcm related dgn self esteem eh..
When I'm feeling low:
- I sing 'What am I to u' by Norah Jones. Alang-alang dah blue and low tu kan, marilah layan lagu-lagu jiwa kacau. hehehe. Not a good choice sometime. SO...we move on to Adele 'I set fire to the rain!' memang la siri menaikkan semangat diri dan rasa empowered sikit la..
- But my favaourite song to boost my motivation adalah: lagu iklan Nestle (nespray?) Lagu ni plg nostalgik la... :)
Sayalah permata
anak kesayangan
kebanggaan ayah dan ibu
Saya dibesarkan
dengan kasih sayang
hanya yang terbaik untukku,
Menjadi harapan
di masa hadapan
- I keep telling myself that: I know that if I felt stupid, sbnrnya ada jer org lain yg rasa bodoh jugak. Tp org putih ni very good (extremely good) at hiding their own flaws.. Memang jarang la (especially those lelaki-lelaki alpha) utk mengaku yg diorg pon tak tahu sbnrnya. So, I kept telling myself for the past 3-4 years,...well, bodoh jer omputih ni...Diorang buat-buat pandai jer *utk sedapkan hati sendiri*
- There are times, out of the blue...tiba-tiba nak melankoli....ini payah sikit. So, check your calender and convinced urself that this is the time of the month. It wasn't me. It was the hormones effect. Hormones fluctuation mmg mendatangkan blues..esok will be fine. I can sleep early tonite. (Again) Tomoz will be fine! ulang dlm 14 kali mcm tu... :)
- Fikir blk, is it worth it to be emotionally wrecked (or shaken) over this thing? Ingat, jgn besar-besarkan benda yang kecil. There are so many things that u can do rather than thinking about this stupid little thing.
- Call emak, nangis-nangis...emak bg advice - I got even more cranky and frustrated- no body gets me. :P
- Plan a holiday! or berangan for a big holiday for u! It works most of the time for me... :) Then when u feel a it ok,,,go get a new shoe! *Hadiah pada diri sendiri sbb jadi wanita tabah??* *hehehehe...*
Tapi..that's me. and sometime, these methods didn't work. Pakar motivasi mesti ada cara yg lebih akademik to overcome low mood ni semua. These are what I gather (entah dari mana) :
When u're feeling low:
- Stop. a while. Smile. Breath deeply. Ulang sampai rasa dah nk respiratory alkalosis. (layman term: sampai rasa nk senak tak leh breath in lg) ok, tipu. Just breath in deeply sampai u relax urself. :)
- Stop the negative cycle. meaning: Bila u feeling low, dan rasa tak mahu jumpa org, tak mahu keluar, nak terperap dalam bilik jer, STOP. Sebab nnt lagi rasa lonely, then lagi rasa low. So...Go out, meet ur friends (they are always available, it just in ur head they are not), get fit- pergi gym or arrange a game with ur friends. Anything at all to get u out of the house.
- Friends and family are the best antidote to low mood.
- Develop an interest (perhaps, the one that u know u will be good at). Contoh: memasak, memotong rumput, ceramic art, or cup cakes. Contoh: kalau minat nk buat cupcakes, tp tak berapa nk tahu, don't over do or tire urself. Nanti lg rasa helpless. Modification: u can buy ready made muffins, and decorate their top... *taddda!!!!* now they become cupcakes! Then u can invite ur friends to come over for tea. See, now u accomplished 3 things at 1 time : keluar dr rumah (sbb nak beli muffins), u developed an interest and u now haf a social life!!!
- * will i get any tea/coffee hang-out invitation soon???*
- Change ur habits, be more organized. Biasanya, kita rasa tak best sbb byk kerja dan serabut. Bila kerja tak dapat dilakukan tepat pada masanya. dan biasanya, sebab utk itu adalah kita sendiri yg tidak organized. I remember one of those lecture in 3rd year (3rd year biasanya Newcastle student akan jadi emotionally wrecked.) One of the lecturer said that to make it in Medicine, it doesn't take that much of wit. It takes lots of organization, discipline and positive routine; between work (study) and personal life.
- So, Lets change our negative habits, organize masa belajar, organize jadual betul2. Know what u doing or ur schedule for the week (therefore keep a diary/planner). These, will make us more prepared.
- Fadzilah Kamsah ckp: org yg bgn pagi, kemudian fikir dan rancang apa yg akan dia buat hari ini, adalah org yg berjaya!
- But the most important thing is....bila feeling low, or bila rasa tak tenang, serabut..... there's one thing yg absolutely will help... :
Sesungguhnya dgn mengingati Allah hati akan menjadi tenang. (check Ar-Ra'd : 28)
…Cukuplah Allah bagiku. Tidak ada Tuhan selain Dia. Hanya kepada-Nya aku bertawakal dan Dia adalah Tuhan yang memiliki Arsy yang agung.”
(At-Taubah [9]: 129)
So, ada paham nak buat apa bila feeling low? paham yer.... :)
Bottom line, in my opinion, Kita lebih kenal diri sendiri. We know what works and what not utk diri kita. Tapi masalah utama adalah - to break the ice, and to get help!
Allah knows best. iAllah.
p/s I do not use the word depressed, instead I use the word low mood. Sebab? Kita jgn nak negativekan fikiran kita mengenai diri sendiri. Kalau u rasa u are being depressed, here is the checklist utk diagnosis. So, check it out.
saye pun suke jugak soalan ni. saye bile feeling low, saye selalu keep chanting to myself;
ReplyDelete"ok, im not gonna die just because of that. just because of being stupid, not be able to contribute much ke ape ke. it doesnt take my life. so, takpelah"
saya takkan mati kerana itu. takkan mati dan takkan mati. so, thats what keep me moving kot, even 'diperbodohkan' berkali2. hihi~
Do u know that u are one of my favourite people? Just so u know that, alright... *hugs*--kuat2 sampai peoz tak boleh bernafas! :)